CSS3-Only Spinner Tests - Chasing Balls

This is the default spinner created without any arguments to the mixin. It is defined in css-spinner-balls.css. If you do not want to use Sass/Compass, you can just use the CSS file directly.
@include spinner-balls()
These are tests using different sizes. css-spinner-balls-custom.css contains these definitions. Each was created using the arguements to the mixin as labeled below.
@include spinner-balls("size15", 15)
@include spinner-balls("size35", 35)
@include spinner-balls("size55", 55)
These are tests using the same size but using different colors and adjusting the number of balls. css-spinner-balls-custom.css also contains these definitions. Each was created using the arguements to the mixin as labeled below.
@include spinner-balls("more", 35, 10)
@include spinner-balls("lime", 35, 5, lime)
@include spinner-balls("colors", 35, 5, rainbow)